Rochester Community Hometown Christmas Parade
We have the privilege of participating in our local parade with our sister schools - AHS Adambots FRC 245 and RHS Feds FRC 201
Rochester Farmers Market
We hosted a robotics station at the Rochester Farmer's Market. Teaming up with the FEDS FRC Team 201 and Adambots FRC Team 245, we taught young and old about robots. The young even got to do a fun water activity.
Beth's Imagination Station
Teaming up with a local Pre-school, Beth's Imagination Station, the Cyber Cats taught these smart little children about chasis. The team then led the children through building their own chasis.
E-Bots FIRST Tech Challenge Team 8478
Many of our team members help mentor the Hart Middle School robotics team, the E-Bots. Throughout their build season our team members provide help to the team. We also let them use our build room with them during their season. In 2017 the E-Bots won the Rockwell Collins Innovative Award and 3rd place Inspiration Award and advanced to the Michigan State Championship! Great job E-Bots!
FIRST Lego League Junior Expo
During our 2017-2018 season we hosted a FIRST Lego League Junior Expo for 15 FLL Jr. teams. The Cyber Cats judged, ran stations, sold concessions, and demonstrated our robot. We were joined by our honorary robot, Henrietta from DENSO. This years FLL Jr. project was called Aqua Adventure, which focused on engineering our water systems. We were also honored to be joined by the Clinton River Watershed Council, who brought their River Critters display and Build a Bug workshop. It was a great event. The FLL Jr. teams were incredibly talented.
Rochester Christmas Parade
Every year we walk in the Rochester Christmas Parade with the two other Rochester Community Schools FRC Teams, The Adambots FRC Team 245 and The Feds FRC Team 201.
Hunger Walk
Along with the Adambots,the Feds, and the E-Bots we raise money for the Rochester Neighborhood House Food Pantry.